Commercial Sound and Video Systems
Published: May 26, 2024

3 Synagogue AV Solutions to Integrate Before the High Holidays

The High Holidays will be here sooner than you think. This year, let your synagogue allow for a more engaging and fulfilling worship by integrating audiovisual solutions. Now is the perfect time to upgrade your synagogue for it to be completely transformed before Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

During the Jewish Holiday season, friends and family will want to attend congregation together. Make sure your synagogue is prepared for large crowds and can create a lasting impression for all. Keep reading to discover 3 synagogue AV solutions that can add to a memorable High Holiday season.

3 Synagogue AV Solutions to Integrate Before the High Holidays

If you’re looking to elevate your Jewish Holiday season, here are 3 synagogue AV solutions to help you get there:

Digital Signage

Digital signage allows for dynamic and innovative content to be displayed on a monitor. You have complete access to create and schedule whichever presentations or media you would like. Digital signage displays can be an engaging solution for your synagogue, especially amidst the High Holidays.

The monitors can be used to display real-time communication of announcements, event schedules, prayer times, and other important information to congregants. It can be updated quickly and easily, ensuring that the community stays informed about upcoming events and activities.

Acoustical Treatments

Synagogues are known for their beautiful and unique architecture. Their high ceilings and smooth arks are what make them distinctive. Unfortunately, at times the architecture can get in the way of acoustics during a service. If you were ever in a service and were wondering if it was your hearing that was the issue, we can assure you it’s not. It’s actually the architecture!

To fix the issue, consider integrating acoustical treatments. Acoustical treatments in synagogues serve multiple purposes, including enhancing speech intelligibility during services, controlling reverberation to improve music quality, and creating a conducive environment for prayer and reflection.

CSAV Systems has products that can solve these acoustical problems such as acoustic diffusion, acoustical absorption, sound barriers, isolation platforms, and complete room treatment systems for commercial facilities.

Live Streaming

Back then, if you missed an event, that was it. There was no option to go back in time and view it all over again. There was no option to “save” for later. If you missed an event, that was the end of it. Today, technology has given us the option to livestream. This means not only can we access real-time events from ultimately anywhere, but we can also download them.

The purpose of live streaming is to be able to watch, create, and share videos in real-time allowing for interaction between viewers. Live streaming your synagogue’s High Holiday services can be beneficial for numerous reasons. Foremost, it gives congregants the option to be virtually present from the comfort of their houses.

This would also be an option since most synagogues require tickets for the High Holidays. Second, live streaming services provide real-time engagement and interaction. This causes discourse and helps people feel even more united. Live streaming is now more convenient and user-friendly than ever.

Why Zoom Software Does Not Work Well in a Synagogue for Live Streaming

Many congregations today still use Zoom software for prayer, and it isn’t the best choice. Zoom has been experiencing a few bumps in the road when it comes to live streaming. Some users have reported issues with lip-sync problems, which can be quite the buzzkill during a live-streamed service.

Zoom might delay audio briefly if the speaker’s internet connection is slow or unreliable, and packets from Zoom to your streaming service might also be affected by various internet bandwidth issues. This can lead to calls where the audio cuts in and out, the video lags, and the audio and video don’t sync properly.

CSAV has the skills to get the best sound out of your temple if Zoom is your preference. “We do some creative things for temples when we ‘mic’ the sanctuary and/or social halls for overflow. We use digital signal processing and an array of different mics to yield the best sound for the folks at home.

With Zoom, we are trying to put a square peg into a round hole. It’s not designed for a huge room, but we make things work and do some innovative things for the Rabbi. Each Rabbi has his or her own preference, and we accommodate their special requests. CSAV also works with Orthodox Jewish temples, and we have ways of using automation to our advantage.

Zoom has had its share of technical difficulties, like the infamous “Zoom-bombing” incidents. This kind of disruption can make people feel unsafe in their own communities. So, while Zoom can be a convenient tool for live streaming, it’s not without its challenges. To help with some of these issues, CSAV recommends a fast, stable, and secure internet connection.

A channel-bonding VPN app like Speedify might be worth considering, as it can combine all of your internet connections for a more reliable and secure. We can help design a functioning streaming system for your congregation where folks at home can clearly hear and see each other.

Contact CSAV Systems to Upgrade Your Synagogue AV Solutions

CSAV Systems can offer the appropriate synagogue AV solutions to assist your service, no matter the type of Judaism practiced by your congregation—Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, or another. When it comes to improving your Shabbat, Holiday Service, or High Holidays, reliable and user-friendly sound and visual equipment is crucial.

CSAV Systems can provide custom design systems, audiovisual installation and integration, ongoing servicing, and full support for all your audiovisual needs, regardless of the size of your synagogue. We also provide a 3-year warranty. Contact us at 732-577-0077 or click here for a free systems analysis.

Category(s): A/V Systems House of Worship AV

CSAV Systems