Commercial Sound and Video Systems
Published: Mar 06, 2020

Five Conference Room A/V Trends that Can Enhance Your Meetings

Think about the conference rooms within your corporate office – Do your meeting rooms have the capability to connect remotely with outside employees and guests via video or audio conferencing? Do you have monitor(s) or a projection system in place to support presentations and meetings? Do you have the right sound systems in place to support videoconferencing and teleconferencing calls? Considering all these factors, it is clear to see just how big of an impact an audio/visual system can have on your conference rooms. 

Imagine walking into a conference room with little to no audio/visual systems. Not only would the space look dull and outdated, but it would also limit communication capabilities, connectivity, and innovation. Large meeting rooms, conference rooms, and boardrooms are spaces where employees come together to create goals, collaborate, brainstorm and make important decisions.

boardroom audiovisual trends
The right audio/visual solutions are critical to the efficiency of meetings, whether you are hosting a meeting, physically present in a meeting room, or remotely connected to the meeting via phone or videoconferencing. With conference rooms relying so heavily on having quality A/V technologies, what systems can help ease your worries and create a more pleasant and productive meeting? 


Videoconferencing opens doors to easy and effective communication between employees, clients, vendors, and guests. Video conferencing can save your company valuable time and money. Gone are the days where you are required to travel across state and country lines to attend meetings. “A recent report from Zoom and Forbes finds that, relative to audioconferencing, 62 percent of executives agree that video conferencing significantly improves the quality of communication. In high-growth companies, that figure increases to 73 percent, and 50 percent of respondents also believe video conferencing also improves the degree of understanding.” Videoconferencing allows individuals to truly feel present in a meeting, giving all participants the ability to feel as if they are all together in one room. 

conference room audiovisual trends

As technology continues to evolve and grow, teleconferencing solutions become more and more advanced. CSAV Systems provides an array of video conferencing solutions from brands like Zoom Video Conferencing, Crestron Conferencing Solutions, and Polycom Video Conferencing. We work with you to understand the size and scope of your meeting room(s) and are here to provide the right video conferencing and teleconferencing solutions that can help meet your business goals during important conference calls.

LED Video Walls

If technology is the best way to decorate your conference rooms, then LED Video Walls are the best backdrop for your large meeting rooms, huddle rooms, boardrooms, and conference rooms. In conference room settings, LED Video Walls can transform the space and help enhance presentations during meetings.  Not only can video walls be aesthetically pleasing to your conference space, but they can also serve as a tool to help promote your company’s message during meetings with clients or prospective clients. Having cutting-edge, state of the art video walls in your conference rooms can set your company apart from others, boost employee morale and support the productivity of important meetings. Presentations and meetings become more captivating and messages can be clearly communicated through video walls. 

conference room av trends

Speakers and Microphones

It goes without saying… the sound in your conference room is essential to conducting any meeting. Whether you have a large or small conference space, it is essential to determine the right microphones and speakers for your meeting space. At CSAV Systems, we can provide ceiling speakers, table-top microphones or ceiling microphones. Having quality speakers and microphones within your conference room can improve communication and eliminate frustrating sound issues that may occur with your videoconferences and teleconferences. 

Digital Displays

Maximize the possibilities by displaying content and presentations, on high-quality projection systems and digital displays, within your conference room.

At CSAV Systems, we provide professional recommendations, for the size and type of monitors as well as how many would best serve your conference room goals. Our team can install and integrate anything from ceiling mounted drop-down monitors, to tabletop and wall-mounted monitors. Digital displays are key to conducting meetings, as they present important business data and provide meeting attendees with visuals to support the meeting agenda, making for an interactive experience for all. 

Control Systems

Having the right systems in place is one thing but understanding how to use and work the sound and video systems is everything! When CSAV Systems provides a control system in conference rooms, it allows those who are using the system to have easy access to adjust inputs, manipulate volume levels, control projection systems, and displays to a preset level. With just a click of a button, on your control system, you can bring up a pre-set presentation on your monitors, eliminating the embarrassment of not being able to load or connect your presentation during a big meeting. 

Staying up to date with current and top A/V systems is imperative to help your meetings run smoothly. When it comes to your corporate office’s conference rooms, huddle rooms, or large boardrooms, the quality of the audio/visual systems within your meeting space has a direct correlation to the effectiveness of the meeting.

CSAV Systems is here to help your facility to continue to advance into the future by staying on the cutting-edge of new technology trends. How can we help evolve the technology solutions within your conference room? Give us a call at 732-577-0077 or Fill out our Systems Analysis Form to receive a FREE Systems Analysis of your new or current system.

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Category(s): A/V Systems