Commercial Sound and Video Systems
Published: Jan 31, 2024

4 Important Types of Acoustical Treatments for Businesses

Integrating quality acoustical treatments into your business can be the difference between a prospective client and a client. Sound is one of our most dominating senses, and it is vital to do everything in your power to enhance and protect it.

Imagine this scenario. You have an important meeting where you desperately try to make a good impression. While amid this meeting, with almost uncanny timing, a loud phone call and conversation erupt from down the hall.

If you are like nearly everyone else, you may get distracted easily by loud conversations nearby, losing your train of thought. The good news is that there are plenty of AV solutions that can prevent this nightmare from happening. Keep reading to discover what they are and how they can seamlessly transform your business

What Are Acoustical Treatments?

Acoustical treatments are designed to help either absorb or diffuse sound to improve the acoustic quality in a room. Proper acoustical treatments help reduce noise and control reverberation, making it easier for people to communicate effectively.

They are a great addition to a business setting and can ensure clear communication for meetings, presentations, and overall productivity.

Types of Acoustic Treatments

At CSAV Systems, an audiovisual installation company, we offer various types of acoustic treatments for businesses and other facilities and markets.

If you are unsure which acoustic treatment is proper for your facility, talk to one of our AV consultants. We offer Acoustic Diffusion, which will help reduce echoes and does not remove sound energy from the space.

The second solution is Acoustic Absorption, which is used to intake the extra sound waves that travel throughout a room and make speech clear to hear. 

Sound Barriers are a popular acoustical treatment for canceling loud noises from equipment in your industrial facility. CSAV also offers isolation platforms, which diminish structural vibrations in a room.

Acoustical Treatment

Contact CSAV For Your AV 

Not only does our team provide a Three-Year Warranty because we firmly believe in “Serving with Solutions,” but we will also be there for any support or questions you may have along the process. Call us today at 732-577-0077 or click here for a FREE Systems Analysis. 

Category(s): Equipment General