Commercial Sound and Video Systems
Published: Feb 01, 2021

How to Utilize CARES Act Funds to Get COVID Ready Technology

In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, technology has become a vital component for government offices and municipalities to carry out essential communication, while promoting a safe, healthy, and socially distanced atmosphere. In many cases, municipalities may require new technology solutions to support social distancing and virtual communications. If your facility has available CARES Act Dollars, you may be eligible to utilize these funds for audio/visual technologies. Read on to learn more:

COVID Ready Technology Solutions and CARES Act Funds

If you are looking for ways to implement your facility’s health and safety guidelines, COVID Ready Technology Solutions could be the answer. From temperature screenings and thermal imaging cameras to digital signage displays – these types of technology solutions can not only promote a healthy environment but can also provide access security for all those who enter your building. Within your government office, digital signage displays can be an engaging and informative way to communicate social distancing guidelines, room capacity limits, and other vital messages to your employees and guests who enter a building. If you are looking to add COVID Ready Technology Solutions within your courtroom, government office, or other municipality building – you may be eligible to utilize your CARES Act Funds for these types of solutions.

Live Streaming Solutions and CARES Act Funds

Over the past year, many facilities have transitioned their in-person events to live streaming. Whether it is press conference briefings, council/town hall meetings, speeches, or other live events, government offices have turned to live streaming technology solutions in order to broadcast critical communication to the public. Live streaming within municipalities has become an effective and inclusive way to share information to the public, while bringing people together in a safe, socially distanced way.  If you are looking to add professional and secure live streaming solutions within your local government facility, you may be eligible to utilize your CARES Act Funds for these types of solutions.


Videoconferencing Solutions and CARES Acts Funds

While video conferencing has been popular and growing throughout the years, the demand for these video conferencing technologies has been brought to new heights over the past year. When travel may be restricted or discouraged, video conferencing is the next best thing to face-to-face communications. From hosting critical meetings between government officials to connecting with constituents, video conferencing systems allows for a safe, secure, and efficient way for government officials to carry out their day-to-day operations through a virtual medium. If your municipality is looking to upgrade or install a professional video conferencing system within their facility, you may be eligible to utilize your CARES Act Funds for these types of solutions.

CSAV Systems – Audiovisual Consultant for your Municipality

If you are interested in upgrading technology solutions for your courtroom, government office, or municipality – CSAV Systems can work with you to provide quality, cutting-edge technology solutions, A/V installations, and integration, as well as service and meeting support. If you have CARES Act Funds available, A/V solutions may often apply. To learn more about The CARES Act Program click here

If you are looking for service, support, or upgrades to your sound and video systems within your municipality, contact CSAV Systems at 732-577-0077 or click here for a Free Systems Analysis.

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Category(s): Video Conferencing Systems

CSAV Systems